Thursday 2 December 2010

Research of Kerrang! Magaine

Kerrang! covers a large range of media. It owns a TV station, radio station and even hosts its own music festivals, however Kerrang! magazine only covers the music side of the media.
About the magazine:
·         Kerrang! targets its audience who prefer the genre of rock and heavy metal, therefore making it a strong competitor with the music magazine I intend to create.
·         Its name is onomatopoeic as it refers to the sound made when playing a power chord on an electric guitar.
·         The magazine is currently being edited by Nichola Browne and is published Bauer Media Group:
o   Bauer also own Q Magazine (which has been previously mentioned) and Mojo.
·         The magazine is released weekly on a Wednesday.
Codes and Conventions
Front cover:
·         Images – In Kerrang! they have used a well know lead singer for their main image which has been used as the magazines background. They have also situated other images of other members of well known bands around the main image.
·         Mast Head – The mast head is situated right across the top of the magazine, it is bold and stands out from all the other text on the page attracting the customer to the magazine.
·         Colour Scheme – The magazines main colours they use in almost every magazine are black and white, however they tend to vary their colours by using red, yellow, blue and even green on there magazines as well.
·         Text and its Layout
o    They have used small chunks of text around the front cover so they don’t over power the pictures.
o   The large text is to do with the main picture, the text is the largest seen on the cover (apart from the masthead) and is red in order to stand out but also stick with its colour scheme.
o   They have put quotes and insights to the magazine around the page all situated on top of or under there matching picture.
o   The magazine also includes a “plus!” section telling the audience what other bands and artists are included inside in case they are not a fan of Jared Leto.
·         Barcode – The barcode on Kerrang! tends to be situated on the bottom right corner of the magazine, however some issues have placed it else where on the page, like on the left at the top, underneath the mast head.

Contents page:
·         Images – There are many images on the contents page, all of different shapes and sizes.
o   At the top left they have an image of the editor of Kerrang!
o   Layered around the rest of the page are images of bands, singers, fans and there is also an image of the new muse album cover.
o   All the images have something to do with the inside of the magazine with either the artists performing, having a group photo or just having fun, which invites the reader to read on.
o   All the images also have page numbers on them to show the reader what page there on.
o   Al the bottom right there is also images of previous issues to encourage the reader to subscribe.
·         Colour Scheme – The contents have stuck to the colour scheme of white and black as on the front page. But this content also has the extra colour of yellow which is used a lot on the page.
·         Text and its Layout
o   The contents title is bold and eye catching. Underneath it Kerrang! has a quote from a reader with there name and age, this involves the reader more into the magazine.
o   At the top there is some writing from the editor of the magazine which has been sectioned off from the rest of the page. The writing is black and small, therefore showing that it’s not the most important piece of writing on the page.
o   The writing which tells the reader what’s to be found in the magazine is to the right. This magazine has decided to put the pages into sections of “News”, “Live Reviews”, “Gig Guide” and so on.  Using these catchy sections seems more modern and interesting, therefore encouraging the audience to read on.
o   There are also statements in bright yellow with black writing telling the reader about competitions and an “8 page review”. As its so bright it catches the audiences eye and encourages them to read it.
Double page spread:
·         Images – The main image on this page is of paramore’s lead singer performing in concert, it is used as the background and is very large, therefore attracting the audiences eye. There are also other images from the performance around the left side of the page, scattered around as if they were stuck onto a cork board. I also like the idea of having images of people who aren’t famous, but in fact fans from the night.
·         Logo – The Kerrang! logo is not on this double page spread, however there is instead a box in the top left hand corner that indicated the K’s rating scheme, five K’s being the best and one K the worst.
·         Colour Scheme – The colour scheme sticks to the colours of red, white and black just like the front cover, as well as an extra colour (green) to add more attraction to this page.
·         Text and its Layout
o   The main title is in white and is the largest and boldest writing on the page. Underneath is it has the second band the concert featured in green and is in smaller writing so it doesn’t draw too much attention away from the main targeted band. It also has the date and place the concert was held as well as K’s special five K (star) rating.
o   The main text on the first page, there is a statement which is highlighted green with white writing to intrigue the audience. Below this the writing is spilt into two columns with what looks like an extended drop cap of the first two words which is used to indicate where the reader is to start reading.
o   This double page also features a section were they have put what the fans have though of the night. The writing is to the far right and is in small white writing, each fans comment is under there own picture.
·         Features - It has extensive review and interview sections, featuring: new music releases, reissues, music complications, live concert reviews album reviews.
o   It uses a star rating system from one to five K’s.
·         It also contains weekly photos and posters for reader to have.

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