Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Questionnaire Results

Question 1
In my questionnaire 44% of the people asked were male (7/16) and the other 56% were female (9/16).

Question 2
As you can see, the majority of people I asked my questionnaire to were in the age range of 16-20 (69%). This is followed by people aged 11-15 (13%) and then lastly I asked people aged 21-30, 31-40 & 40+, all of which made up 6% of my questionnaire each.

Question 3
As you can see from the graph above, the top two genres most favoured by the participants of my questionnaire are Indie and Hip-Hop which both got 25% of the votes (4/16). This is followed by Rock and Pop who both got 19% of the votes (3/16), And in joint last is Metal and Rap who both got 6% of the votes (1/16). Giving this feedback I have decided to create an indie, rock & metal magazine. By combining the three genres my magazine will appeal to more potential customers.

Question 4
As you can see from the graph above, 44% of the people I surveyed read music magazines (7/16) where as the majority of people asked, 56%, do not read music magazines (9/16).

Question 5
The majority of people asked prefer to read either Pop or Indie magazines out of all the genres mentioned, 25% of votes each. This is good as it backs up my decision to create an Indie, Rock and Metal magazine. As for the remaining genres, Rock and Hip-Hop were second most popular with 19% and Metal and Rap were tied last with 7%.

Question 6
The majority of people asked don’t buy music magazines, 38%, but for those who do buy magazine tend to buy them monthly more than weekly with 32% over 13% and never buy them annually.
Here is a mixture of answers about what people like most in music magazines. It’s obvious that the most favoured thing in music magazines is latest music releases with 44%. This comes to no surprise to me as one of the main reasons for buying music magazines to find out what’s new in the music industry. Interviews are also popular with 25% of the votes, this is followed by news and information on upcoming gigs and tours, both of which have 13% of the votes. Lastly 7% of votes (1/16) like the posters in music magazines most. Due to these results I will try and incorporate a little bit of everything in my magazine whether its advertising it on my front cover, showing what’s inside on my contents page or apart of my double page spread.

Question 8
94% of people like competitions and quizzes in the magazines they read where as only 6% don’t. Therefore I’m planning on incorporating a competition into my music magazine

Question 9
56% of people asked prefer music magazines to be released weekly as opposed to the other 44% who prefer it to be release monthly. Due to this I am going to go with the majority of people and have my magazine released weekly.

Question 10

From the graph above it’s obvious that majority of people are mostly willing to spend £2 on a magazine, 50%, which is why I am going to sell mine at that price.

Question 11

100% of people asked are encouraged to buy music magazines if something free comes with it which is why I’m going to try and incorporate this into my magazine.
Question 7

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