Sunday 12 December 2010

Chosen Artist Name

I have a number of names I have created as possible names for my magazines featured artist and as I am finding it hard to decide I have chosen to create a small survey and ask a hand full of people on their opinion in order to decide. Here are the possible names for the music artist:
  • Mayhem
  • Disturbed
  • Liquid Noise
  • The Forgotten

With these four names I have asked a couple of people which is their favourite, these are the results:
  • Mayhem
  • Disturbed ×
  • Liquid Noise × × × ×
  • The Forgotten × × ×

With these results I decided to go with name that is most favourite, Liquid Noise.

Chosen Photos

As I can’t use all the images in my magazine I have chosen a few specific ones that I favour the most to use in my magazine, I may not use all of them, but I will certainly be using most of them.

I’m planning on using the image above as my magazine’s front cover as she is genuinely smiling and I like the way she is situated to the right so I will be able to place the rest of the writing around it to the left.

The images above are to be used on my contents page and double page spread, however I’m not sure which ones to use on which page so I feel I shall play around with their layout on my magazine and then decide.

I also found some photos on my camera from a while back that I feel I can use on my contents page and my double page spread. The first four images are photos I have taken of my friends on my camera a while back, and the last three are images I have taken when I went to The Fray’s concert a year or two ago:

Lastly I will also be using an image of my self to put on the contents page to accompany the editor’s comment.


Photo Shoot

I have managed to get some photos of my friend to use in my magazine. I have made sure her clothes go with the genre of indie rock by wearing some greyish skinny jeans with slits down the front where lace is shown, and a grey top with studs at the top. I also used a guitar and umbrella as some of my props. Here are all the pictures I have got from the shoot:

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Magazine Name Font

I have looking for a suitable font for my magazines name, here are the fonts I’m considering using.

Magazine Name

I am thinking about the magazines possible name, here is what I’ve come up with:
  • Music Madness
  • Liquid Noise
  • Tuneage
  • Kick It
  • Rock Out
  • Blast Out The Tunes
  • Head Banger
As I was finding it hard myself to pick the most appropriate name for my magazine, I decided to do a small survey and ask my friends which one they feel will attract more customers. Here are the results:
  • Music Madness ×
  • Liquid Noise××
  • Tuneage××××
  • Kick It
  • Rock Out
  • Blast Out The Tunes×
  • Head Banger ×
From this quick survey I have decided to go with the name that seems to be the most popular one, Tuneage as it sounds catchy, modern and new.

Starting Magazine Production

Here I will be considering certain factors that will create my magazine, all with the target audience in mind. I will be thinking about my magazines name, mast head design, images, writing and its position, codes and conventions, ect, as I put my magazine together.  By the end of this I will have hopefully made a decent rock/indie magazine that people will enjoy to look at and to read.

Questionnaire Results

Question 1
In my questionnaire 44% of the people asked were male (7/16) and the other 56% were female (9/16).

Question 2
As you can see, the majority of people I asked my questionnaire to were in the age range of 16-20 (69%). This is followed by people aged 11-15 (13%) and then lastly I asked people aged 21-30, 31-40 & 40+, all of which made up 6% of my questionnaire each.

Question 3
As you can see from the graph above, the top two genres most favoured by the participants of my questionnaire are Indie and Hip-Hop which both got 25% of the votes (4/16). This is followed by Rock and Pop who both got 19% of the votes (3/16), And in joint last is Metal and Rap who both got 6% of the votes (1/16). Giving this feedback I have decided to create an indie, rock & metal magazine. By combining the three genres my magazine will appeal to more potential customers.

Question 4
As you can see from the graph above, 44% of the people I surveyed read music magazines (7/16) where as the majority of people asked, 56%, do not read music magazines (9/16).

Question 5
The majority of people asked prefer to read either Pop or Indie magazines out of all the genres mentioned, 25% of votes each. This is good as it backs up my decision to create an Indie, Rock and Metal magazine. As for the remaining genres, Rock and Hip-Hop were second most popular with 19% and Metal and Rap were tied last with 7%.

Question 6
The majority of people asked don’t buy music magazines, 38%, but for those who do buy magazine tend to buy them monthly more than weekly with 32% over 13% and never buy them annually.
Here is a mixture of answers about what people like most in music magazines. It’s obvious that the most favoured thing in music magazines is latest music releases with 44%. This comes to no surprise to me as one of the main reasons for buying music magazines to find out what’s new in the music industry. Interviews are also popular with 25% of the votes, this is followed by news and information on upcoming gigs and tours, both of which have 13% of the votes. Lastly 7% of votes (1/16) like the posters in music magazines most. Due to these results I will try and incorporate a little bit of everything in my magazine whether its advertising it on my front cover, showing what’s inside on my contents page or apart of my double page spread.

Question 8
94% of people like competitions and quizzes in the magazines they read where as only 6% don’t. Therefore I’m planning on incorporating a competition into my music magazine

Question 9
56% of people asked prefer music magazines to be released weekly as opposed to the other 44% who prefer it to be release monthly. Due to this I am going to go with the majority of people and have my magazine released weekly.

Question 10

From the graph above it’s obvious that majority of people are mostly willing to spend £2 on a magazine, 50%, which is why I am going to sell mine at that price.

Question 11

100% of people asked are encouraged to buy music magazines if something free comes with it which is why I’m going to try and incorporate this into my magazine.
Question 7

Tuesday 7 December 2010


Here is my completed questionnaire; I tried to vary the age and gender categories as much as possible by not only asking class mates, but people I know outside of school. Now I need to analyse the results to get a better understanding of what people want in a music magazine.

Production Log

Here is my progress log, I shall be editing it every time I continue with my media work and I will be updating the table here by changing it to the latest and updated one.


For this section I will be doing my planning for my magazine. This will include:
  • A production log of my progress- which I will be updating every time I continue with my work.
  • A questionnaire – to give me an outline of what people want from a music magazine.
  • An analysis of my questionnaire results – to give me a further understanding of what people want.
  • Ideas and drafting of the production of my magazine.

At the end of this section I will have created my music magazine using my own images, ideas and designs.

Research on Music Institutions

I have chosen to research some possible media institutions that may publish my magazine.
Bauer Media is a division of the Bauer Publishing Group, Europe’s largest privately owned publishing Group. The Bauer Publishing Group is a worldwide media empire offering over 230 magazines in 15 countries, as well as online, TV and radio stations.

IPC Media produces over 60 iconic media brands, with print alone reaching almost two thirds of UK women and 42% of UK men – almost 26 million UK adults – while their websites collectively reach over 14 million users every month.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Research of NME Magazine

NME (New Musical Express) covers a large range of media. It owns a TV station, radio station and even hosts its own gigs, tours and awards. NME also focuses on movies however I will only be focusing on the music.
About the magazine:
·         NME’s music genre is a range of punk, gothic and rock music, therefore making it a possible competitor for my magazine.
·         The magazine is currently being edited by Krissi Murison and is published by IPC Media.
o   IPC also own the music and movie magazine, Uncut.
·         The magazine is released on a weekly basis.

Codes and Conventions
Front cover: 

·         Images – In NME magazine they tend to use a popular artist on the front cover and it is also normally used as the background. The main image is always of the main band/artist mentioned on the cover and the image is large to draw the audience’s eye to it.
o   The image to the left is an example of NME’s weekly magazine and to the right is an example of their special edition magazines.
·         Mast Head – The mast head is situated in the top left corner of the magazine, it is bold and bright in order to stand out from the page and attract the audience to it. It is a bold red with a white and black outlines.
·         Colour Scheme – The magazines tend to use the main colours of red, white and black, however they do change the colour red sometimes when it’s a special edition magazine by replacing the colour with blue, pink and even orange depending on how well they go with the main image.
·         Text and its Layout
o    All the text is spread out around the main image so it doesn’t over power it.
o   The large text is to do with the main picture, it is the largest on the page apart from the mast head and is the same colour as the mast head as well.
o   They have put new music releases around the page along with information as to what’s inside.
o   The magazine also has and exclusive inside section to encourage the audience to read on.
·         Barcode – The barcode is usually situated at the bottom right of the page; however it can be placed else where on the page in order to make it fit in.

Contents page:
·         Images – There is only a handful of images on this contents page, the top two are from a concert, both of musicians playing there instruments. The bottom one is of an NME magazine, encouraging readers to subscribe.
·         Colour Scheme –The colours used on the page stick to the main colours used on the front cover, red, white and black.
·         Text and its Layout
o   The contents title is the same as the mast head on the cover but it has been extended and additional writing has been added, “This Week”.
o   Towards the far left there is a column with the title band index with is a bold black, underneath this there is a lot of small red writing, as it is small this indicated that its not the most important piece of writing on the page.
o   The writing which tells the reader what’s to be found in the magazine is to the right. This magazine has again decided to put the pages into sections which are, “News”, “Radar”, “Reviews”, “Live!” and so on.  Using section names that are straight to the point make it easier for the reader to find what they want in the magazine and it seems a more modern way of organising the contents instead of having them in order.
o   There’s some info from inside the magazine which is all black underneath the main two images. The title is a larger size than the writing and the writing starts with a drop-cap, showing the reader where to start reading.
o   There is also a section about subscribing to the magazine which has bright yellow and white writing that attracts the reader to it.

 Double page spread:

·         Images – The main image on the page is of Lily Allen who is leaning towards the reader and posing, this invites the reader to read on. It is the only image on the page and it is very large, so large in fact that it takes up one whole page.
·         Colour Scheme – The colour scheme sticks to the colours of red, white and black just like the front cover, the artists top also ties in with the magazines colour scheme.
·         Text and its Layout
o   The main title stands out from the page luring the audience in to read it. This is due to each letter having its own bold, black box with a contrasting white letter inside it. There is also a quote that Lily Allen has said to the magazine in the interview.
o   The main text is split into four columns on the first page and starts with a drop-cap showing the reader where to start reading/
o   The writing also has some of the main words in red in order to stand out, like the artists name.