Wednesday 19 January 2011

Feedback on my Music Magazine

In order to get feedback for my music magazine I asked people to answer a questionnaire either in person and through another form of media (Facebook) and with the results I plan on further improving my magazine.  

Here are the results I received:

Age and gender:
1)     16, female
2)     16, female
3)     16, female
4)     17,female
5)     16, male
6)     17,female
7)     16, female
8)     20,male
9)     38, female
10)50+, male
11)15, male
12)12, male
14) 18, male
15)18, male

53% of people asked in this questionnaire were female (8/15) and the other 47% were male (7/15).

Looking at my magazine as a whole, can you please answer the following questions:

Question 1

Do you feel my magazine looks professional?

1)     Yes
2)     Yes
3)     Yes
4)     Yes
5)     Yes
6)     Yes
7)     Yes
8)     Yes
9)     Yes

The answers above clearly show that 100% of the people I asked think my magazine looks professional

Question 2

Do you think my magazine could compete with other music magazine you’d find in a shop?

1)     No
2)     Yes
3)     Yes
4)     No
5)     Yes
6)     Yes
7)     Yes
8)     Yes
9)     Yes

The results above show that 87% of the feedback received form this question think my magazine could compete with other music magazines in a shop.

Question 3

Why do you think this?

1)     It’s quite similar to other magazines I’ve seen.
2)     Because of the layout and the photographs.
3)     Because it looks like a real magazine.
4)     Other music magazines use real bands and have more that four pages. But considering its coursework it looks great!
5)     Because it’s eye catching and realistic.
6)     It looks bright, fresh and professional.
7)     Because it looks authentic and is interesting to read.
8)     Its looks just like a magazine found in a shop so it will be great competitor.
9)     It looks professional.
10)It is unique so will therefore stand out.
11)It will certainly catch people’s eye while browsing the shop shelf.
12)It strikes the reader and lures them in.
13)Because I wouldn’t mind buying it.
14)It has all the unique qualities a magazine should have.
15)It looks like a real magazine sample.

The majority of feedback here is positive as most people have commented that my magazine looks like a real magazine and that its eye catching and unique.

Question 4

Do you think my magazine would stand out from others in a shop?

1)     No
2)     Yes
3)     Yes
4)     Yes
5)     Yes
6)     Yes
7)     Yes
8)     Yes
9)     Yes

Again 87% of the above answers feel my magazine would stand out in a shop.

Question 5

Why do you think this?

1)     It looks great, but there’s no immediate thing you notice to make it stand apart from other magazines.
2)     The colour scheme and the featured photograph
3)     The bright colours and pictures
4)     Cool fonts and colours
5)     It has a striking image
6)     Colourful, bright and very intriguing to look at
7)     It has a more eye-catching look and the articles look engaging.
8)     The title is original
9)     The colour scheme is intriguing
10)The plus section has different bands that invite the reader.
11)The photos and bright colours make it stand out
12)The photos
13)The layout makes it stand out.
14)The whole magazine itself looks interesting.
15)It needs a brighter title

The reason behind the answers for the previous questions seem to be because people think the colours, fonts and images stand out along with other things (as shown above).

Question 6

Can you see a colour scheme that runs throughout the magazine?

1)     Yes
2)     Yes
3)     Yes
4)     Yes
5)     Yes
6)     Yes
7)     Yes
8)     Yes
9)     Yes

100% of feedback for the above question can see the colour scheme that runs throughout my magazine.

Now moving onto just the front cover, can you answer the following questions:

Question 1

What do you feel stands out in my front cover?

1)     Picture, and the bits in boxes/bubbles
2)     The title and photograph
3)     The picture and colour scheme
4)     The picture and title
5)     The name of the artist
6)     The main focus image
7)     The colour scheme of black white grey and purple really stand out
8)     The coloured writing
9)     The contrast between black and white in the picture
10)The colour scheme and picture
11)The title
12)The image
13)The plus box
14)The main image
15)The text

The majority of feedback received for the above question believe that the main image, colour scheme and title make my front cover stand out along with other things.

Question 2

What do you like about the front cover?

1)     The fonts are awesome
2)     The colour scheme, the photograph and the layout
3)     The fonts and picture
4)     Composition
5)     The whole look
6)     It’s colourful, fresh and bright
7)     It looks edgy and punk-rockish
8)     The inviting image on the page
9)     The whole feel of the front cover with the colours and image
10)The plus section looks smart and is a great idea
11)The fonts are lovely
12)The name of the magazine
13)The bands on the page
14)The image
15)The layouts and colours

Here I have received a wide variety of positive feedback about what people like about my magazine.

Question 3

What do you dislike about the front cover?

1)     Nothing
2)     Add another feature item to fill up a little bit more space?
3)     Nothing
4)     Lack of colour in the title
5)     Nothing
6)     The title
7)     The “special crimbo posters” shape looks tacky
8)     Nothing
9)     Nothing
11)The top banner being brighter than the title
12)The title
15)The weird star shape

53% of feedback for the above question find nothing to dislike on my front cover where as the other 47% don’t like the title’s lack of colour and the star shape on my front cover, so these need to be improved.

Question 4

How do you feel it could be improved?

1)     Make the title brighter
2)     As said, add another feature.
3)     I don’t think it needs improving
4)     Make the title stand out more with a brighter colour
5)     Nothing
6)     For the genre of the magazine I feel its fine as it is
7)     Change the “special crimbo posters” into something that looks and sounds more professional
8)     I think its fine
9)     Looks great to me
10)Maybe make the title brighter
11)Swap the colours of the banner and title
12)Make the title stand out
13)Maybe change the star to a circle
14)It looks fine
15)Make the star look better

Only a few of the feedback here think I need to change some of my front cover, but those that do feel I need to make my masthead brighter, change the star shape to a circle and make the writing inside it more professional as well as possibly adding another feature on the left hand side of the page. Due to the feedback received I will be changing all the things mentioned to make my front cover better.

Look at my contents page and answer the following questions please.

Question 1

What do you feel stands out in my contents page?

1)     It’s really well organised and looks great
2)     The message from the editor and photos along the bottom
3)     The layout
4)     The multi coloured picture
5)     The main image
6)     The main image
7)     The picture
8)     The main image
9)     The titles of the sections and the pictures
10)The pictures
11)The coloured image
12)The titles
13)The main image
14)The picture
15)All the images and titles

The majority of the feedback for the above question feel the main multi coloured image makes my contents page stand out.

Question 2

What do you like about the contents page?

1)     The multicoloured image
2)     The photos along the bottom
3)     The images used
4)     I like the font used, the layout of the right hand side and the editors comment as it makes it personal
5)     The colourful image
6)     It is clear, precise and nice to look at
7)     I really like the style and colours used
8)     The images
9)     The way the text to the right is split up
10)The whole style of the page
11)The slogan under the page title
12)The bands mentioned
13)The editors section
14)The middle picture at the bottom
15)The bands and colourful image

All the feedback here is positive and everyone seems to have something they like about my contents page, especially the images.

Question 3

What do you dislike about the contents page?

1)     Nothing
2)     Nothing
3)     Nothing
4)     Nothing
5)     Nothing
6)     I feel the fonts are odd but I don’t dislike them
7)     It’s a bit unclear what the picture in the middle is about
8)     Nothing
9)     Nothing
15)Not knowing what the main image is about

80% of the feedback received above have nothing to dislike about my contents page, and the other 20% only dislike not knowing what my main image is about.

Question 4

How do you feel it could be improved?

1)     I don’t think it needs improving
2)     I think it looks fine
3)     It doesn’t need improving
4)     Nothing needs improving
5)     I don’t think it can be improved
6)     Its fine how it is
7)     Maybe add some text to the main image to help readers understand what its about
8)     Nothing to improve
9)     Its fine
10)Not need too
11)I like it how it is
12)Doesn’t need improving
13)Its fine how it is
14)I don’t think it needs improving
15)Making sure the reader knows what the main image is about

From the feedback above it seems I need to add some text across my main coloured image on my contents page in order to show the reader what the image has to do with the magazine.

Looking at my double page spread can you answer the following questions.

Question 1

What do you feel stands out in my double page?

1)     The images
2)     The fan box and photos along the top
3)     The article and pictures
4)     The “ten truths” text colour
5)     The title of the page and images
6)     The pictures
7)     The images
8)     The main image
9)     The fan box
10)The fan box
11)The main image
12)The different coloured text
13)The fan box
14)The fan box
15)The images and fan box

The majority of people feel my fan box stands out in my double page where as others feel the images stand out more.

Question 2

What do you like about the double page?

1)     The fan box
2)     The feature about upcoming tours and photographs along the top
3)     The images used
4)     The fan box
5)     The up coming tours
6)     The colours are nice
7)     The style and layout
8)     The images
9)     The title
10)The fan box and upcoming tours
11)The images
12)The main image
13)The way the images change along the top
14)The fan box
15)The images

Most the feedback received above like the fan box, upcoming tours and images on my double page.

Question 3

What do you dislike about the double page?

1)     I’m not too keen on the title
2)     The coloured writing
3)     Nothing
4)     The layout of the text
5)     Nothing
6)     The main text looks boring
7)     I find the writing on red and purple hard to read
8)     Nothing
9)     I don’t like the idea of “ten truths”
10)I don’t like the main text layout
12)The main text
13)The coloured writing

40% of the feedback here has nothing to dislike about my double page where as the other 60% dislike the coloured text, layout of the main text and title. So it seems I have some things to change on my double page.

Question 4

How do you feel it could be improved?

1)     Change the title to the artists name
2)     Change the coloured writing, it looks odd
3)     I don’t think it should be changed
4)     Jazz up the main text by adding some colour and a quote
5)     Keep it how it is
6)     Make the main text more exciting to look at
7)     Make all the main text one colour
8)     I don’t think it needs improving
9)     Get rid of ten truths and make the interview longer
10)Split the main text into smaller columns in order to make it look less boring and long.
11)Keep it how it is
12)Make the main text look more attractive with colour
13)Get rid of the coloured writing
14)I don’t think it needs improving
15)I feel its fine how it is

The comments received about improving my double page involve me changing the colour of the writing so its all the same, making the main text more appealing and interesting, getting rid of the ten truths and changing the title to the artists name, all of which I intend on doing in order to improve my double page.

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