Thursday 11 November 2010

Preliminary Exercise

Here I have finally finished my preliminary exercise. I was sure to include everything needed which was:
  • Produce a new school/college magazine and mock up of the layout of the contents page.
  • Feature a photograph of a student in a medium close-up.
  • Add appropriately laid out text.
  • Create a masthead.
I did not only stick to the basic outlines required, but i tried to apply the magazine conventions for front covers such as:
  • Positioning the masthead at the top of the magazine - I have created a top centred masthead and if i was to create the next issue, the masthead will look exactly the same.
  • I have stuck to using three main colours throughout the task so the magazine isn't too busy and is easy on the eye.
  • I have added an issue number along with the date to make it more professional.
  • I have added text stating what can be read inside, leaving the reader wanting to read more.
  • I have also added the school logo to make the magazine noticeable and well known to the school students.
As for the contents layout i left space for images to make it more appealing and left a section for the pages that are mentioned on the front page.
I feel i have managed to create an acceptable school magazine which covers all tasks and includes most of the magazine conventions. I also feel it is aimed at the right target audience (Queensbury sixth form students) and is appealing to them.

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